The Haze of Spring

And so the strange flow continues. It’s getting warmer, days are getting longer, nothing is getting clearer. So it feels. Though I’m vaccinated, I’m still reading about plague (William Rosen’s Justinian’s Flea), and there is still no live performing (or teaching) work in sight. But I am blessed in pretty much every other way. Coming up: a podcast on Shakespeare and impro, a reading of a powerful new Belarussian play, a launch of Daisy’s illustrated script of Cosmic Trigger and a School  of Night workshop for NSDF. But, as is so often the case, in ten days that will all be done and who knows what’s next? Time to start planting the veg…


  1. Conor O'Hara
    Mar 28, 2021

    I’m currently watching you perform in the RAW memorial for Journey to Nutopia but you’re reading this afterwards, unless you can bilocate, I suppose. Anyway, I’m delighted to hear/see you work. You got it, mister. Hats off.

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